There is something about sea salt caramel that is really good. It's hard to put your finger on it but something about that sweet and salty combo can be very addicting. We came across the number 3 best selling caramel candy on Amazon and they happen to be Tara's Gourmet candies. What can we find out about this product? Let's dive in.
The caramels are currently going for $19.99 for a 20 oz jar. They have a 4.6 star score on over 10,000 ratings. Good stuff right out the gate, so now let's see what Amazon's AI analysis has to say on the feedback. The product ranks well on factors of taste, quality, softness, addictiveness, and gift value. Where feedback is a little mixed is on things such as salt content, meltability, and price. From what we have seen, sometimes the candies can be hit or miss in the salt. Some pieces may be too salty while some not salty enough. Also it appears the softness of the product while being a highlight is also an issue for some as they would prefer a caramel that could hold its consistency for a bit longer. Finally the issue of price is that some customers felt there should be more for a price of $20. From what we can see, you get about 48 pieces in a jar, so about 40 cents per piece. Not bad as long as the quality is good, but if you want more bang for your buck there are probably some other options out there.
All in all looks to be a decent buy and does appear to make for a good gift during the holiday season.
NOTE: All price and review info is based on the time of posting. The numbers may have changed since the creation of this article. All links to Amazon on this page are part of the Associates program which gives us commissions, thanks for your support!